I”m linking up with Shannon from Life After I Dew to SO WHAT if…
- I miss cancelled HBO + Showtime shows. Like Big Love. And Entourage. Gotta love a show with a character named Ari.
- I haven’t had a haircut in months. I swear, I’ve had “make a hair appointment” on my to-do list for the last few months now. I’ve just been, well, busy.
- my newest obsession is “Orange Is The New Black” — a Netflix Original series. It’s funny and adorable.
- my obsession with Honest Diapers is out of control. They are adorable and eco-friendly! And they are shipped to our house! One less trip to Target! (let’s face it — there’s still at least one trip a week!)
- I’m overly excited about going on our first family vacation in just a few short days. We desperately need to get away from the “real” world and kinda just spend some time together being a family of three.